Poker 27 Triple Draw

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2-7 Triple Draw is a lowball draw game. Players are dealt 5 cards, then may draw replacement cards 3 times, with the goal of making the best 2-7 low hand. 2-7 Triple Draw Poker Gameplay. A hand begins with the first players clockwise from the dealer placing forced bets, known as blinds. Each player is dealt 5 hole cards. A round of betting occurs. Highest 27 TD Traffic - At Poker Stars you will find the largest 27 Triple Draw community in the world. The competition is much tougher then FullTilt's fledgling 27 Triple Draw community but if you are looking for high volume 27 TD action at a wide range of stakes Pokerstars is the place for you.

There are many different versions of poker, but Deuce to Seven Triple Draw or 2-7 Triple Draw is unlike most of the other common forms you might well have seen before.

What makes 2-7 Triple Draw poker so unique is the fact that you are chasing the exact opposite to most other poker games. You are trying to make the lowest or worst five-card hand possible. Each player is dealt five cards which nobody else can see and there will be an option to discard and replace unwanted cards in the course of the hand. It’s an exciting game, for sure.

In this handy guide we’ll tell you the rules of Deuce to Seven Triple Draw and tell you what kind of strategy to adopt when playing it, so you can start enjoying this game straight away.

The Rules of 2-7 Triple Draw

The minimum number of player in a Deuce to Seven Triple Draw game is six. A dealer button is used in the game which indicates which player posts a small blind (the player immediately to the button’s left) and which posts the big blind (the player two places to the left of the button). Every player is then dealt five cards face down and betting begins. The player to the left of the one who played the big blind bets first and every play calls, raises or folds until each player still in the game has contributed the same amount to the pot.

Following this round of betting players can decide to discard any cards they don’t want and receive new ones. 0 – 5 cards can be swapped. New cards are dealt in the order which betting will continue. Discarded cards are placed by the dealer into what is known as the muck or discarded pile. New bets are made once every player has received their new cards, if they required any.

There are two further opportunities to discard and replace unwanted cards which are performed in exactly the same way as in the opening round and there is another round of betting following each of them.

If there aren’t enough cards left in the deck to complete any draw, the dealer will shuffle the cards in the muck and deal from those.

Betting in 2-7 Triple Draw

If you are familiar with Texas Hold’em then you’ll be pleased to learn that betting in Deuce to Seven Triple Draw is performed in exactly the same way. If you’re not familiar with the betting then you can learn it very quickly.

There is a small limit and a large limit. For example, a game could be $10/$20. $10 is the low limit and $20 the high limit. The high limit is general double the low limit in every single game. The first two rounds of betting will observe the low limit and the final two see the limit increased to the high limit. Every player must contribute the same amount to the pot in order to conclude a round of betting.

Hand Rankings in Deuce to Seven Triple Draw

The hand rankings of any poker game apply in 2-7 Triple Draw, it’s just that you’re looking for the worst or lowest one possible. A Royal Flush would be the absolute best hand in most other poker games, but it’s considered the worst here. Aces are high and 2s are low and it’s a 2 you will want to have, just one of them though – you don’t want two, three or four of a kind in this game.

Any straight is a terrible hand too, so 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is one to avoid. The best possible hand is 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and is known as a Wheel. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 is known as Number Two as it’s the second best possible hand you can have. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 is known as Number Three as it’s the third best hand and the hands continue to be named in this fashion.

Other notable hands are Nut 8 which is 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, Nut 9 – 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 – and any other Nut hand which is formed in the same way.

Having a pair isn’t necessarily damaging as another player might also have one. The best pair hand you can have in 2-7 Triple Draw is 2, 2, 3, 4, 5.

It goes without saying that all the good hands mentioned above need to be off suit.

As you move up the poker hand rankings of traditional poker, the worse they become in Deuce to Seven Triple Draw. It might sound easy to end up with a hand of absolute junk, but it’s actually quite difficult as you’ll discover once you start playing.

2-7 Triple Draw Poker Strategy

There are a few things you need to remember when playing Deuce to Seven Triple Draw. The most important is that the hand ranking is the polar opposite of that which you’re used to. Instinct might well kick in and you’ll feel excited at the sight of a pair of aces but remember that they are a terrible couple of cards to be holding in this game.

You should take care when discarding and replacing cards. If you’re in a situation where you feel like you want to change 5 cards, you’re probably better off folding. As a rule, two cards is the maximum you want to change and at a push you can do it with three, although this is definitely not recommended in the final round.

As well as wanting to break up any pairs, threes of a kind or hands which are traditionally better you should also discard a lone 6. A 6 is needed in order to form any low straight and it can be quite a damaging card.

Bet in the same way as you would in other poker games, except you want people to believe that you’ve got bad or low cards rather than good or high ones. It can take a little while, but once you master Deuce to Seven Triple Draw you’ll find that it’s a lot of fun.

Deuce to Seven (2-7) Triple Draw is a form of lowball that is not widely popular. You won't see it spread in your local home game. Some live high-stakes cash games will include Triple Draw in their mixed-game format. But it's difficult to find low stakes versions, let alone any limit of Triple Draw.

Introduction to 2-7 Triple draw

Despite the lack of interest in brick and mortar rooms, Triple Draw has been gaining popularity online.

The goal is to make the best low hand. The Ace is considered a high card and the deuce is the lowest. The absolute nut low is 7-5-4-3-2. Hence, the name 'Deuce to Seven'. Both straights and flushes count against your hand, so you are seeking a smooth low hand. The second best low is 7-6-4-3-2 followed by 7-6-5-3-2.

Triple Draw is most often played in a fixed-limit betting structure, but can also be played pot-limit and no-limit. In addition to the initial betting round that occurs after the cards have been dealt, there are three rounds to draw cards with a round of betting following each draw

Triple Draw is not like other lowball games where A-2-3-4-5 is considered the low. Remember, the Ace is the highest card in Triple Draw and the nut low is 2-3-4-5-7.

How to play 2-7 Triple draw

This sample hand is fixed-limit 2-7 Triple Draw with $50/$100 stakes. The blinds are $25/$50.

There is a used in this game that moves clockwise. The blinds are to the immediate left of the button.

DEAL: Five cards are dealt down to each player.

YOUR HAND: You have a low of A-Q-7-5-2. You will eventually decide to discard the high cards – the Ace and the Queen.

Your hand

1st betting round

The initial bet is $50. The player to the immediate left of the big blind, AKA Under the Gun, is the first to act and has the option to call $50, raise to $100, or fold.

If a player is facing a raise, they must call, fold, or re-raise. The big blind is last to act. If the pot has not been raised and other opponents have only called the $50 big blind, the big blind has the option to check or raise to $100. If the big blind checks, the betting round is over and the players move on to the first draw. If the big blind raises, betting continues until the action makes its way back around the table. If a raise goes uncalled, the raiser wins the pot without revealing their hole cards.

Once all remaining bets and raises have been called, it is time for players to draw cards.

FIRST DRAW: You can discard zero to all five cards. A player that discards nothing is “standing pat.”

YOUR HAND: You exchanged the and for a and . Your hand now includes a pair of sevens.

2nd betting round

On this betting round and all subsequent betting rounds, action begins with the small blind.

Poker 27 Triple Drawer

On the first draw, players may check or bet $50. If a bet is made, players must call, fold, or raise. The button is last to act. If no one has bet, the button has the option to check or bet. If the button checks, the betting round is complete and the players proceed to the second draw. If the button raises, betting continues until the action makes its way back around the table. If no one calls a bet or raise, the bettor wins the pot without revealing their hole cards.

Once all remaining bets and raises have been called, it is time for players to draw cards for a second time.

SECOND DRAW: You discard the and draw the .

YOUR HAND: You're drawing to a good low 8-7-5-2, but hold a pair of eights.

3rd betting round

The betting limit is now $100 from here on out. Action starts with the small blind and players may check or bet $100. If a bet is made, players must call, fold, or raise. The button is last to act. If no one has bet, the button has the option to check or bet. If the button checks, the betting round is complete and the players proceed to the third draw. If the button bets, betting continues until the action makes its way back around the table. If no one calls a bet or raise, the bettor wins the pot without revealing their hole cards.

Once all remaining bets and raises have been called, it is time for players to draw cards for the final time.

THIRD DRAW: You discard the and pick up the .

YOUR HAND: You made an 8-7-5-3-2 low. It is technically the 11th best hand in Triple Draw.

Poker 27 Triple Drawing

4th betting round

The betting limit is $100. Action starts with the small blind. Players may check or bet $100. If a bet is made, players must call, fold, or raise. The button is last to act. If no one has bet, the button has the option to check or bet. If the button checks, the betting round is complete and the players proceed to the third draw. If the button bets, betting continues until the action makes its way back around the table. If no one calls a bet or raise, the bettor wins the pot without revealing their hole cards.

Once all remaining bets and raises have been called, it is time for players to reveal their cards.

Tie in 2-7 Triple Draw

If two players have the same hand, they split the pot. There is no way to determine a tie-breaker.

Best Triple Draw hands




















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