Baby Gambling Pool Template

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Now, there are many ways to run a betting pool of any type, and baby pools are no different. This particular template is set up to use a similar model as our baby pool website. It’s point-based: each of the baby’s stats (gender, birthday, time, weight, etc) earns points, so the closer your guess on each stat, the more points you earn.

Because it's always fun to bring a little gambling into the mix, we thought it would be fun to start a baby due date betting pool. So come and take a guess. Will Nicholas be early? Will he be late? Or will he come right on time? Due Date is March 29th, 2012

1. $2.00 per guess, feel free to enter multiple times.
2. Guess the day, hour and minute that you think Nicholas will be born (Central Standard Time)
3. Closest guess to the minute is the WINNER!
4. In the event of a tie, the winner is the person who chose the closest after the exact time of birth.
5. Half of the final pool goes to the winner, the other half goes to Nicholas' college fund.
6. If your date and time passes without the arrival of Nicholas, please feel free to try again.
7. If you don't want to use paypal and want to pay in cash, the money must be received before his arrival.
Donate through Paypal using the Donation button below. $2.00 donation per entry. When you reach the page asking you to review your donation, click on the line in blue that says: Enter name, date and time of guess here. Enter the date and exact time, including AM or PM of your guess in this box. *Calender will not auto update. Just be sure to enter the date and time on the paypal form and we will add it to the calendar asap.
Check the calendar before making your guess to make sure it's not a time and day that has already been claimed. Guessing is first come first serve. If you duplicate someone else's guess we will contact you to choose a new time.
(Click on the Month view on the calendar to choose a day of the week)
  • We recommend setting multiple pools up for 'baby 1', 'baby 2' etc. How do I delete my pool? Click on Update Pool and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see an option to delete your pool forever. There is no notification sent to the pool participants when a pool is deleted. How do I delete my account?
  • MONITIZED BABY POOLS. You won't find this anywhere on the web. We have the worlds 1st online baby due date guessing game where your friends and family can guess on your babys due date and you can collect funds from guessers for those big ticket baby registry items, kickstart a college fund, or help with other parenting expenses!
  • Spread the new baby excitement! Start a Baby Guessing Game with! Also sometimes called a 'Pregnancy Pool', 'Baby Pool', 'Baby Due Date Pool', etc., friends & family can share their hunches about the baby's date of birth, time of birth, sex, weight, hair color and more!
  • See 6 Best Images of Baby Betting Pool Template Printable. Inspiring Baby Betting Pool Template Printable printable images. Baby Weight Pool Template Baby Pool Template Printable Office Baby Due Date Pool Template NASCAR Office Pools Printable Super Bowl Squares Template.

These are the questions we get asked the most. If you don't see your answer below, please contact us.

How is a winner determined?

Our scoring for each guess is weighted on a 100pt scale with 65% of the score based on date and time (minutes, hours, or days off in either direction), 25% on correct sex, 5% on height (inches off in either direction) and 5% on weight (ounces off in either direction). The closer you are to the actual specs of the little one in these categories, the higher your point total within each category for a maximum of 65, 25, 5, and 5 points respectively.

  • 65 points: Birthday
  • 25 points: Sex
  • 5 points: Weight
  • 5 points: Height

Can I change the weighting of the categories?

Custom scoring options are not supported at this time.

How does scoring work if the sex is already known?

If already known, the baby’s sex becomes ineligible to bet on. All pool participants will automatically receive the maximum number of points (25) for this category.

Do you allow multiple bets per person?

Yes, we do. You can place additional bets under the same email address. This means people who don’t have email addresses (such as children) can still take part in the pool.

Can I change my bet after I’ve made it?

Only pool admins and godparents have the ability to modify bets. The best way to change your bet is to ask an admin or godparent to do it for you, or you can submit a new one.

How do I add payment information?

Baby Bookie does not accept monetary bets at this time. If you would like to add a cash prize or collect donations, we recommend asking pool participants to send money via PayPal or Venmo. You can do this in the pool description when you set up a new pool.

Baby gambling pool template ideas

Baby Gambling Pool Template Printable

Baby gender betting pool template

How do I announce the baby’s birth?

Click “Mark Baby as Born” from the menu items below Baby Bookie’s main navigation. On the next page you can compose your announcement which will be automatically emailed to everyone on your pool participant list.

What if we're having twins or triplets (or octuplets)?

First off, congratulations! Unfortunately we don't support multiples in a single pool. We recommend setting multiple pools up for 'baby 1', 'baby 2' etc.

How do I delete my pool?

Click on Update Pool and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see an option to delete your pool forever. There is no notification sent to the pool participants when a pool is deleted.

How do I delete my account?

Baby Betting Pool Template

All done with Baby Bookie? Head to My Account and scroll to the bottom of the page where you'll see an option to delete your account.